References for Andrei A Markov

    1. Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
    2. Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica.
    1. S Ya Grodzenskii, Andreii Andreevich Markov. 1856-1922 (Russian), Nauchno-Biograficheskaya Literatura (Moscow, 1987).
    1. Andrei Andreevich Markov (1856-1922) (Russian), Mat. v Shkole (1) (1982), i.
    2. O B Sheynin, A A Markov's Work on Probability, Archive for History of Exact Science 39 (1988), 337-377.
    3. O B Sheynin, Errata for the contribution: "A A Markov's work on probability", Archive for History of Exact Science 40 (4) (1989), 387.
    4. V A Steklov, Andrei Andreyevich Markov, Izvestiya Rossiiskoi akademii nauk 16 (1922), 169-184.

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