Preprints of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society


Authors: Zatitskiy, P. B.; Nazarov, A. I.; Stolyarov, D. M.
Title: On the formula of regularized traces
Comments: Russian, LaTeX, 6 pp.
Subj-class: 34L05
Submitted: 25.03.2011
Abstract, LaTeX (18 Kb), PDF (136 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 371 Kb)
Authors: Reinov, Oleg; Latif, Qaisar
Title: Grothendieck-Lidskii theorem for subspaces of $L_p$-spaces
Comments: English, LaTeX, 4 pp.
Subj-class: 47B06
Submitted: 26.04.2011
Abstract, LaTeX (19 Kb), PDF (118 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 409 Kb)
Authors: Novikov, I. Ya.; Skopina, M. A.
Title: Why Haar bases are the same in different structures?
Comments: Russian, LaTeX, 7 pp.
Subj-class: 42C40, Secondary: 22A10
Submitted: 22.10.2011
Abstract, LaTeX (26 Kb), PDF (125 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 290 Kb)
Author: Reinov, Oleg
Title: Approximation of $p$-summing operators by adjoints
Comments: English, LaTeX, 8 pp.
Subj-class: 47B10, Secondary: 47A58
Submitted: 17.11.2011
Abstract, LaTeX (32 Kb), PDF (153 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 416 Kb)
Authors: Nazarov, A. I.; Rastegaev, N. V.
Title: On the asymptotics of integrals related to the generalized Cantor ladder
Comments: Russian, LaTeX, 14 pp.
Subj-class: 26A30
Submitted: 05.12.2011
Abstract, LaTeX (39 Kb), PDF (179 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 383 Kb)
Author: Chistov, A. L.
Title: A Bound for the Degree of a System of Equations Giving the Variety of Reducible Polynomials
Comments:English, LaTeX, 18 pp. To appear in: "Алгебра и анализ" No.3, 2012, in Russian.
 In the second version of this preprint the upper bound $84d^7$ is improved. It is replaced by $56d^7$.
Subj-class: 14Q15, Secondary: 14M99, 12Y05, 12E05, 13P05
Submitted: 05.12.2011; updated: 29.01.2012
Abstract, LaTeX (66 Kb), PDF (226 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 370 Kb)

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