[Author] Chistov, Alexander L. [Title] An Effective Algorithm for Deciding Solvability of a System of Polynomial Equations over $p$-adic Integers [AMS Subj-class] 11D88 $p$-adic and power series fields 14Q15 Computational aspects of higher-dimensional varieties [Keywords] $p$-adic integers, polynomial systems, decidability algorithm [Abstract] Consider a system of polynomial equations in $n$ variables of degrees at most $d$ with integer coefficients with the lengths at most $M$. We show using the construction close to smooth stratification of algebraic varieties that one can construct a positive integer \[\Delta < 2^{M(nd)^{c\, 2^n n^3}}\] (here $c>0$ is a constant) depending on these polynomials and satisfying the following property. For every prime $p$ the considered system has a solution in the ring of $p$-adic numbers if and only if it has a solution modulo $p^N$ for the least integer $N$ such that $p^N$ does not divide $\Delta$. This improves the previously known, at present classical result by B.~J.~Birch and K.~McCann. [Comments] LaTeX, English, 26 pp. This is a completely revised version of my old unpublished preprint on the same subject previously written in the coauthorship with M. Karpinski. I have strengthened the results and corrected many inacuracies. Now I am going to publish it in the Journal "Algebra i Analiz", at first in Russian. [Contact e-mail] alch@pdmi.ras.ru