The members of the Society are invited to submit
their papers. Texts (edited in TeX and converted into .pdf format; language does not matter) must be sent to
pmo-prep (at)
The title page must carry the header:
St. Petersburg Mathematical Society Preprint Series
Submitted ... (date)
Available at:
Also needed are the following items
(it is recommended to fill in the following form
and to send it as a separate file accompanying the paper):
Authors' names, the title and an abstract (not exceeding
12 lines), all in English;
E-mail address of the author (or one of the authors who is responsible
for contacts with our server);
The following data are preferable but not necessary:
Comments: The size of the paper, language, etc.
If the paper will be later published somewhere, the author is requested
to send us a reference to this publication which will be added
to the information about the preprint.
A reference to a preprint in our archive may look
St. Petersburg Mathematical Society Preprint #
(substitute 1999 by the year and 03 by the number of the preprint in question).