Older news
26 Dec 2001
A page devoted to G.Ya.Lozanovsky
opened at the Former Members section of
this site.
17 Dec 2001
A link to the UDK-MATH, the VINITI classification scheme, added
to Links page
9 Dec 2001
A paper about L.V.Kantorovich by S.S.Kutateladze, V.L.Makarov,
I.V.Romanovskii, and G.Sh.Rubinshtein is added to the L.V.K.
page of the "Pantheon" section of our site.
30 Nov 2001
Personal pages of Yu.A.Volkov
and S.V.Vallander are added to the
Members section.
3 Oct 2001
The Journal of Applied Mathematics
has been launched a few months ago with the purpose of providing a forum
for fast publication of high quality papers in all areas of applied, computational,
and industrial mathematics.
10 Sep 2001
The electronic interdisciplinary journal Hermeneutics
in Russia calls for scientific or popular papers on mathematical
linguistics written in Russian or in English. Dmitry
Olshansky, member of the Editorial Board.
15 July 2001
A letter from Patrick Bangert,
Graves Gregory:
In late 1999, a questionnaire was circulated among physicists
asking several questions about the past, present and future of physics.
We are doing research of a similar nature for mathematics. In our endeavour,
we wish to discover what fascinates mathematicians about their subject,
how they came into the field and what they think about it now. In this
research, we are interviewing mathematicians and circulating a questionnaire.
Among the mathematicians supporting our research with individual interviews
are Louis H. Kauffman, John H. Conway and Michael V. Berry.
For ease of participation, the questionnaire is available in an online
05 June 2001
A demo version of the Universal
Mathematical Solver (UMS), a new software product of the corporation
"Severny Ochag" (St. Petersburg, Russia), is presented for evaluation.
15 May 2001
Reminiscences about A.D.Aleksandrov
by Yu.F.Borisov put on the Pantheon page.
29 Apr 2001
Reminiscences about A.D.Aleksandrov
(by Yu.G.Reshetnyak and S.S.Kutateladze) put on the Pantheon page; a link
to the S.L.Sobolev's
page at Novosibirsk added to his page.
16 Apr 2001
magazine launches an online debate on the most crucial and talked-about
aspect of scientific publishing -- the impact of the web on the publication
of original research.
9 Apr 2001
A link to the site St. Petersburg
Mathematical Olympyads added to the "Links" page
10 Mar 2001
In the spring of 1999, the European Mathematical Society announced
a competition to encourage the idea of creating posters with a mathematical
theme that would catch the eye and be representative of mathematics and
its uses (the information about this competition has been distributed by
the SPbMS too). Here are the results
of this competition.
07 Mar 2001
A section "Grants" is added to the
"Links" page.
07 Mar 2001
The U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) for
the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) announces:
a new competition for
its Cooperative Grants Program. This program will provide one-
to two-year support to joint US-FSU research teams in all areas of basic
and applied research and development. The average anticipated grant size
is $40,000.00 USD per year over a one- to two-year period. Proposal deadline
will be May 18, 2001.
Basic Research and Higher
Education Program. This program seeks to improve the higher education
infrastructure for scientific research by establishing high-quality Research
and Education Centers within Russian universities.
04 Mar 2001
From: Jayadev Misra <misra@cs.utexas.edu>
Professor David Zuckerman has posted a challenge
problem at http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/xli/prob/
. It is truly marvellous.
04 Mar 2001
A Call for Paper Invitation from PreJournal.com
. PreJournal.com is a manuscript repository of research discoveries, providing
a forum for quasi real-time knowledge exchange.
01 Feb 2001
A paper about L.V.Kantorovich
(by A.Vershik) added to the "Panteon" page
21 Jan 2001
A discussion page on the current situation
in mathematics (in Russia and St. Petersburg) is opened
21 Jan 2001
I am writing to invite you to submit your papers for publication in
the "International Journal of Mathematics
and Mathematical Sciences." IJMMS is a 23 years old, refereed, weekly
math journal publishing research papers, research notes, and review articles
in all areas of pure and applied mathematics... IJMMS is reviewed/indexed
in Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt für
Mathematik, and Applied Mechanics Reviews, among others. All papers
published in IJMMS are available online in full-text to the journal's print
edition subscribers. Those who do not have IJMMS subscription can access
a free on-screen version of published articles.
Prof. Dr. Lokenath Debnath
IJMMS Managing Editor
Department of Mathematics
University of Central Florida
17 Jan 2001
CabriWorld invites to its international
conference which will be held on June 14-17, 2001 in the rooms at
the UQAM in Montreal (Canada). This conference will be completely dedicated
to the Cabri-Geometry computer program. It addresses all teachers (of primary
level to university) to all students in mathematics, computer science or
physics, to all beginners or experts who want information, training as
well as educational applications of Cabri-Geometry directly useful in class.
A link added to Links.
12 Jan 2001
The Abel Bicentennial Conference 2002 is planned at Oslo
04 Jan 2001
Prof. Yuri I. Manin, the chairman of the ICM-2002
International Program Committee, announced a description
of the sections planned for the scientific program of ICM-2002.
18 Dec 2000
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and
Science of Ukraine, National Taras Shevchenko
University of Kyiv, and Ukrainian Mathematical Society organize a Congress
of Mathematicians that will be held in Kyiv from August 21 to August
23, 2001. The Congress will be conducted in honour of the famous Ukrainian
mathematician M. V. Ostrogradsky in connection with 200th anniversary
of his birthday.
11 Dec 2000
A new electronic journal Algebraic
& Geometric Topology starts at Warwick.
The 3rd Volume of The Geometry and Topology Mongraphs, Invitation
to higher local fields (2000), Ivan Fesenko and Masato Kurihara
(editors) appeared.
22 Nov 2000
A new web page "Open
Problems in Dynamical Systems & Ergodic Theory" initiated by the
Aug. 29, 2000 Open Problems session at the Katsiveli conference is opened
by S.Kolyada (Kiev).
25 Jul 2000
Links added:
Group Pub Forum Home Page
A discussion of any aspect of Group Theory. The reason
for the name is that the spirit is supposed to be that of a conversation
in a pub at a Group Theory conference. The forum has over 400 members
the Yahoo Mathematics
Page at Stanford
3 Jul 2000
Links added:
3 Jul 2000
Press newsletter: new books available.
Seiberg-Witten and Gromov Invariants in Symplectic 4-manifold
Journal of Combinatorics (the print version of the Electronic J. of Combinatorics)
Current Developments in Mathematics (The proceedings of the annual joint
mathematics conference held by the faculty of Harvard and MIT)
14 Jun 2000
offer dedicated to Bachelier by Editions
Jaques Gabay.
Reprints of classical scientific literature.
4 Jun 2000
Worldwide Job Market for Mathematicians
A selection of the best job markets world-, continent- and countrywide
by Christof Luchsinger
2 June 2000
GLOBUS seminar at
the Independent Moscow University
Those who wish receiving information about the seminar can send an
empty message to Ivan Arzhantsev
with "yes" as a subject.
31 May 2000
NUMERICA -A Library of Source
Codes for teaching, research and applications by E. F. Toro.
This software library is potentially of use to scientists involved
in teaching, research or consultancy in any of the following areas:
Mathematical Modelling
Applied Mathematics
Numerical Analysis of PDEs
Fluid Mechanics
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Computational Mathematics
Computational Physics
Computational Hydraulics
NUMERICA is a library of source codes for solving hyperbolic
partial differential equations using a broad range of modern, high
resolution shock capturing conservative and non-conservative numerical
methods. Most of the programs are based on upwind schemes of the
Godunov and Flux Vector Splitting type but also included are centred
flux and slope limiter TVD methods. Exact and several approximate
Riemann solvers form the basic routines of the many schemes of first
and higher order of accuracy included in the library.