Leonid Kantorovich studied at Leningrad State University, receiving
his doctorate in mathematics in 1930. From 1934 to 1960 he was a professor
at Leningrad. He held the chair of mathematics and economics in the Siberian
branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1961-1971), then directed research
at Moscow's Institute of National Economic Planning (1971-76).
L. Kantorovich entered the ranks of the greatest scientists of the 20th
century due his fundamental input into mathematics and economics. His research
in functional analysis, computational mathematics, optimization, and descriptive
function theory and set theory greately the formation of these disciplines
and layed the basics of new directions in research.
Kantorovich was one of the first to use linear programming as a tool
in economics. His background was entirely in mathematics but he showed
a considerable feel for the underlying economics to which he applied the
mathematical techniques.
Member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences (1964).
Kantorovich was a joint winner of the 1975 Nobel Prize for economics
for work on the optimal allocation of scarce resources.
Виртуальный музей
Л.В.Канторовича (ММЦ НГУ, 2012)
A brief biography of L.V. Kantorovich,
by J.J. O'Connor & E.F. Robertson
autobiography of Kantorovich, and his Nobel prize presentation speech
Л.В.Канторович -- математик и экономист,
С.С.Кутателадзе, В.Л.Макаров, И.В.Романовский, Г.Ш.Рубинштейн
(L.V. Kantorovich, the Polymath and Economist,
by S.S. Kutateladze, V.L. Makarov, J.V. Romanovskii, G.Sh. Rubinshtein,
in Russian)
O Л. В. Канторовиче и линейном
- The same in English:
L.V. Kantorovich and linear programming
by A. Vershik
О замечательном человеке - Леониде Витальевиче Канторовиче
, В.А.Залгаллер
a remarkable person Leonid Vitel'evich Kantorovich (1912-1986),
by V.A. Zalgaller, in Russian).
The message of L.V. Kantorovich, by S.
Kutateladze (pdf). A preface to the Selected
Works by L.V. Kantorovich.
- Леонид Витальевич Канторович и вычислительная
математика, И.К.Даугавет, В.М.Рябов, Б.А.Самокиш
(Leonid Vital'evich Kantorovich and computational mathematics, by
I.K. Daugavet, V.M.Ryabov, and B.A.Samokish, Proc. SPbMS,
v. 10, 2004, in Russian)
Leonid Kantorovich in pictures, collected by J.V.Romanovskii.
- О математических работах
Канторовича, С.С.Кутателадзе, Новосибирск, 2007
- Слово
о Леониде Витальевиче Канторовиче, Ю.Г.Решетняк,
Новосибирск, 2007