Preprints of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society


Authors: Nazarov, A. L; Pusev, R. S.
Title: Exact small deviation asymptotics in L2-norm for some weighted Gaussian processes
Comments: Russian, LaTeX, 16 pp.
Subj-class: 60G15
Submitted: 07.04.2006
Abstract, LaTeX (38 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 140 Kb)
Author: Vysotsky, Vladislav
Title: A functional limit theorem for the position of a particle in a Lorentz type model
Comments: English, LaTeX, 19 pp.
Subj-class: 60K37
Submitted: 16.05.2006
Abstract, LaTeX (61 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 204 Kb)
Author: Veksler, A. I.
Title: Boris Zakharovich Vulikh
Comments: Russian, LaTeX, 10 pp.
Subj-class: 01A70, Secondary: 01A60
Submitted: 23.08.2006; updated 10.10.2006
Abstract, LaTeX (27 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 138 Kb)
Author: Reinov, O. I.
Title: Measurable space frames revised
Comments: English, LaTeX, 6 pp.
Subj-class: 47B10
Submitted: 13.09.2006
Abstract, LaTeX (19 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 139 Kb)
Author: Nekrutkin, V. V.
Title: Polya processes and sequences: the martingale characterization
Comments: English, LaTeX, 7 pp.
Subj-class: 60G55, Secondary: 60G44, 91B42
Submitted: 02.11.2006
Abstract, LaTeX (23 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 154 Kb)
Author: Reinov, O. I.
Title: RN operators and Approximtions
Comments: Russian, AMS-TeX, 282 pp.
Subj-class: 47B10
Submitted: 17.11.2006
Abstract, AMS-TeX (gzipped, 300 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 867 Kb)
Authors: Dyn, Nira; Skopina, M.
Title: Decompositions of trigonometric polynomials related to multivariate subdivision schemes
Comments: English, LaTeX, 18 pp.
Subj-class: 42C40
Submitted: 30.11.2006
Abstract, LaTeX (40 Kb), PostScript (gzipped, 128 Kb)

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